Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's a Festivus Miracle!

Moses the camel and CoCo the pony have been found!! Both were left in a secured field, spotted, and their owners at the Capital of Texas Zoo contacted. You know, just when you thought there was nothing but bad news in the world.

The owners of the zoo, however, are still planning to press charges against the thief and/or thieves. In the State of Texas, the penalty for being found guilty of stealing a really sweet camel and a totally cute pony? Life. Without parole.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Starting Their Own Zoo?

The Capital of Texas Zoo is reporting that their 500 lb. camel, Mo, has been stolen. Additionally, their pony, Coco, has also been stolen. Hmmm. Why would someone steal a camel and a pony? Honestly, nothing comes to mind other than it is a really lousy thing to do. And so we are posting this APB:

If you see Mo and Coco, please call 911 immediately and report where you saw them.

The group at Capital of Texas Zoo has pulled together $400 as a reward (they are a volunteer group), and really miss their pals.

Too, please don't ever steal a camel and/or a pony for your own pleasure/business.

'Nuf said.

-Citizen D