Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Catch "Swine Flu"

... and make the rest of us go, awww...isn't that cute!!!

Not making light of it at all. But this is just a really cute picture on any given day.

Take care and be well.


-Citizen D

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One...singular sensation: Susan Boyle

Admittedly, Citizen D HATES televised talent shows. No matter if they are in the US, India, or across the pond in the UK. However, this is such a touching story and this woman can sing, people!

YouTube is not allowing for imbeds, so please check it out yourself at:

EW and others, too, have stories:

More later...just wanted to pass this talent on to everyone. Who knows what her future holds...but it must have been a stunning moment for her.

Photo: from Susan's facebook page.


-Citizen D

Friday, February 20, 2009

Citizen Reindeer Now on Facebook!

Hey friends! Please join us on Facebook: Citizen Reindeer. Any problems, drop us a line at xoxo, -The Citizen Reindeer Team

Friday, February 13, 2009

Kiss, Kiss, Kiss...

Word of the Day:

In anticipation of that slobberiest and sweetest of holidays, a word for St. Valentine's Day:

basorexia: (noun) an overwhelming desire to neck or kiss; a strong craving or hunger for kissing.

Happy Valentine's Day!


-Citizen D

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And the lovely...

... Susan from Brooklyn sent us a picture of her wearing her *Sometimes Wonderful-Sometimes Tragic" Citizen Reindeer tee!

Thanks, Susan. You look beautiful, girl!

No More Drought!

In anticipation of storms a-brewin' here in Austin and much needed rain, rain, rain all over Texas, the following word of the day:

brontide (noun) the low rumbling of distant thunder.

(photo: algo,

Thursday, February 5, 2009


And here I thought it was just plain ol' Tuesday...

nudiustertian (adj.) Pertaining to the day before yesterday.

Etymology: From nudius tertius, which is formed from the phrase nunc dies tertius est, (now is the third day).

-Citizen D

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Who knew that we have ALL, at one time or another, been one of these?


Qualtagh: (noun) The first person you see after leaving your house.

(There is a word for everything.)

Now get out there and use it in your next text!


-Citizen D

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Bit on Cause: Humane Society of the US

This is a very cute idea for 14 February that helps the Humane Society raise funds. I hear they're planning to add a *kiss* by Jonny Depp...schweet!

Give them a visit (this is from the HSUS site):

Have an awesome day!

-Citizen D

Friday, January 16, 2009

Those Silly Reindeer

Sometimes you just need to laugh. As far as Citizen D can tell, these are not members of the Citizen Reindeer team... Thanks to: REUTERS/Christian Hartman (photographer)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Store is Open for Business!

A very quick, quick note to let everyone know that the Citizen Reindeer online store is officially open for business. Stop by:

More later.

-Citizen D

Monday, January 5, 2009

2009... Bring It On!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Citizen D and the entire Reindeer Team hope that you had an awesome holiday season and that you are looking forward to as wonderful a 2009 as we are. 2008 was kind of tough for a lot of people and we could all use good news...joys...and how 'bout some downright FUN this year? Absolutely!

We're going to have Google Checkout on the site VERY soon. We've tested it with other merchants and really love the ease of ordering and paying for merchandise that it offers. More on that as it comes together...but look for online purchasing capability by the end of January. Too, we will have a new design or two for you by late spring or early summer! Cool.

As always, we would love to hear from you...simply write:

Much love,

-Citizen D