Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Catch "Swine Flu"

... and make the rest of us go, awww...isn't that cute!!!

Not making light of it at all. But this is just a really cute picture on any given day.

Take care and be well.


-Citizen D

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One...singular sensation: Susan Boyle

Admittedly, Citizen D HATES televised talent shows. No matter if they are in the US, India, or across the pond in the UK. However, this is such a touching story and this woman can sing, people!

YouTube is not allowing for imbeds, so please check it out yourself at:

EW and others, too, have stories:

More later...just wanted to pass this talent on to everyone. Who knows what her future holds...but it must have been a stunning moment for her.

Photo: from Susan's facebook page.


-Citizen D