It takes diligence to make sure that the products that are being produced these days are being produced in accordance to the basics that we hold near and dear: that people shouldn't die while gathering diamonds or making clothing. And yet it happens all over the world. Every day. We've all heard of blood diamonds, we know why Wal-Mart can sell a pair of pants on the cheap. Education for all of us is key, no matter what the product.
We also need to protect the wildlife on the planet. There are plenty of fabrics to keep people warm...warmer than fur (unless you live in Siberia where the temperatures are life-threateningly-cold). SO when you're buying that cute jacket or micro-purse that has soft, fur trim, please consider than an animal had to die in order to make that fashion statement happen. The button pictured here can be purchased for very little at http://www.peta.org.
Thanks for listening.
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