Friday, September 19, 2008

"The new phone books are here...the new phone books are here!!"

-Steve Martin in *The Jerk*

That's kind of the way we are feeling here at Citizen Reindeer today! The new website is here, the new website is here! Launched officially today: 19 September in the A.M.

It's an awesome feeling. Citizen Reindeer was conceived as an idea very nearly exactly one year ago. From name, to concept, to design... And here we are. Soon, there will be an online store (we will not be underselling our retailers - no Reindeer games here, my friends.). But it will give those of you who don't live in cities where Citizen Reindeer gear is sold to get in on the action.

Have an absolutely awesome day!

Oh, and for those of you who need a reminder of how incredibly funny Steve Martin was in the *The Jerk,* and for those of you who have never seen it:

1 comment:

Nick Ramos said...

Howdy! I am very happy to see that the site is live. It looks great and I would like to wish you the best of luck. Proud to be a part of it!