Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Citizen D Loves the Fashion...

Fashion week is oh so entertaining...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eric Taylor

So, you get yourself together for a quiet night of music at a local house concert, settle in, and wait for singer-songwriter, Eric Taylor, to take to the stage. It's a simple setup in front of a fireplace: a couple of microphones, a throw rug, basic equipment, and two acoustic guitars.

Eric takes the stage and begins and you realize that only a few words - a few chords - into the first song that this is not a typical performance. That this is not a typical performer. This is a man who has a poetic hold on the English language not only in his lyrics, but in his theatrics. His storytelling. His essence. A glimpse into a songwriter's soul that maybe you didn't come to see...or expect. But then there it is: a gift most unexpected.

This is not a review of the night. Merely an opportunity to introduce those of you who might not know Eric Taylor - at least this Eric Taylor - to his music:

-Citizen D

(photo: Eric Taylor: 2005 Woodyfest by Annette C. Eshleman)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Citizen Reindeer was turned on to this ad by And while he sort of rails on the tried and true "doe eyed" child in advertising, as he puts it, and we kinda' agree, it is a pretty amazing image in terms of its message: world over, more kids die of dangerous water sources than die in wars.

Anyway, just something to think about.

Citizen D

photo source:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dolly Parton Just Busts Us Up

Dolly Parton is, quite simply, the best. Her voice is memorable and rich, and she is one of the finest songwriters ever. Don't believe us, you can check out very nearly anything she has ever written, but, specifically, may we suggest her 2001 "Little Sparrow" produced by Steve Buckingham. It is a haunting and beautiful record.

Dolly is in the news today because her big bosoms are giving her back problems and she has had to temporarily cancel her US tour. Dolly was quoted saying, "You try wagging these puppies around and see if you don't have back problems."

We love Dolly.

(Image: PA Photo)

Citizen Reindeer Has Been Naughty...

... and ignoring the post for the past few days. No excuses, but many apologies! More later, but in the meantime, we found that Rolling Stone has a nice photo gallery from the Grammy Awards that you might want to check out:

This picture is of Amy Winehouse and her mom. Very sweet...we all love our mamas.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Music Anywhere

Music is wherever you make it: like this elderly woman in NYC.

Or music is where you find it.

For Citizen D, music was found on the 'B' side of "Hey Jude" when I somehow got hold of my older brother's 45s and put one of them on my record player. I've told the story before, but I still remember listening to the sweet, unobtrusive "Hey Jude" and feeling quite sweet, serene and calm. But as curious children are want to do, I flipped it to the 'B' side and was changed in an instant when "Revolution" began: the electric version: guitars aching; the screaming primal.

If music can transport a person in an instant, and I believe it can, that was my moment.

And while this woman might not be of the strip the flesh from the bone type musician, I suspect that she's experienced life on the 'B' side a time or two. After all, that's where life really is found and...if we're extremely lucky...transformed.


Citizen D

(Photo: (images from 2.8.08)

Recruitment Protests

No matter what your take is on military recruiters, love 'em or hate 'em, this is an interesting story from CNN:

Read. Learn. And decide.


Citizen D

We don't think Monica will be singing...

... but the Grammy Awards are this Sunday, 10 February. Check it out. You can find the list of all nominees, etc. at:

More later.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Elections and Other Stuff that Can Make You Crazy

So... lots going on in the country with elections, delegate counts, primaries, SUPER (WTF?) delegates and such. Basically, we here at Citizen Reindeer are not endorsing any candidate right yet. However, we do encourage you to get to know those that you are planning to vote for. There is an enormous amount of information online and every candidate lists their take on the different issues. So educate yourselves, and then vote. That's all we're sayin'...

Too, our current Prez Junior is actually kind of sweet looking as a baby.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"Love a Freak" (final)

"Skip Confession" tee (final)

The designs are complete! Many thanks to Nick Ramos of for doing a fantastic job!

We will post thumbnails of all at a later time...but for now, the final of "Skip Confession."

Friday, February 1, 2008


We here at Citizen Reindeer are trying to decide if we think this is tacky, or cool? Just not sure...

(photo: Hard Days Night Hotel, Liverpool,