Music is wherever you make it: like this elderly woman in NYC.
Or music is where you find it.
For Citizen D, music was found on the 'B' side of "Hey Jude" when I somehow got hold of my older brother's 45s and put one of them on my record player. I've told the story before, but I still remember listening to the sweet, unobtrusive "Hey Jude" and feeling quite sweet, serene and calm. But as curious children are want to do, I flipped it to the 'B' side and was changed in an instant when "Revolution" began: the electric version: guitars aching; the screaming primal.
If music can transport a person in an instant, and I believe it can, that was my moment.
And while this woman might not be of the
strip the flesh from the bone type musician, I suspect that she's experienced life on the 'B' side a time or two. After all, that's where life really is found and...if we're extremely lucky...transformed.
Citizen D
www.slate.com) (images from 2.8.08)