Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eric Taylor

So, you get yourself together for a quiet night of music at a local house concert, settle in, and wait for singer-songwriter, Eric Taylor, to take to the stage. It's a simple setup in front of a fireplace: a couple of microphones, a throw rug, basic equipment, and two acoustic guitars.

Eric takes the stage and begins and you realize that only a few words - a few chords - into the first song that this is not a typical performance. That this is not a typical performer. This is a man who has a poetic hold on the English language not only in his lyrics, but in his theatrics. His storytelling. His essence. A glimpse into a songwriter's soul that maybe you didn't come to see...or expect. But then there it is: a gift most unexpected.

This is not a review of the night. Merely an opportunity to introduce those of you who might not know Eric Taylor - at least this Eric Taylor - to his music:

-Citizen D

(photo: Eric Taylor: 2005 Woodyfest by Annette C. Eshleman)

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