We are thousands of miles from the nearest war zone, but right now a thundering, military helicopter is flying over the Citizen Reindeer headquarters. There's a military base close by, so it makes sense...but, damn, wouldn't it be so much better if they weren't necessary? Reminds us of Burden of the Blissful's song, "Machines":
I'm tripping down denial road
High from meeting with Sir Halliburton
Up above, a Black Hawk's singing
Who's the voice behind the oval curtain?
But I'm alive in helmet and tie
So boys and girls
See "Steel Boats" and "Iron Men"
In your mouths taste the engine's ride
Close your eyes
Your "Angels Over America"
Citizen Reindeer no like military recruitment videos - especially when packaged the way the US military puts them together. However, to be completely legal: The references (very tongue in cheek) "Steel Boats," "Iron Men," and "Angels Over America" are titles of US Military recruitment videos.
The good news is, you can't copyright titles and that left it wide open for Burden of the Blissful to create, create, create.